Women's Bible Study

Studying Scripture Together

Each Wednesday morning at 9:30 in the adult education room, there is a Bible study class for women lead by Monica Warren and Heather Daniels.

If you're interested in joining, let us know!

Divine Partnership


In the beginning, God created the cosmos and everything in it. Within the created order, God bestowed upon humans—male and female—a unique job within that creation, a Divine Partnership to bear his image in the world. This class will follow that Divine Partnership from its intent to its fracture to its restoration. Along the journey, we will hear stories of brave men and women who dare to step into the Divine Partnership, faithfully partnering with God and liberating the Divine Image from culturally imposed barriers that hurt both men and women and rob the world and the Gospel of the Divine Image. 


It’s not a women’s issue; it’s an image bearing issue. It’s not a salvation issue; but it’s a Gospel issue. 

Grab a Bible. Bring a friend. Expect to be awed by God’s plan at creation, broken-hearted over its derailment and the suffering it brings, and amazed at God restoration of all things. Join us on Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:30 as we explore a biblical theology of the Divine Partnership.