Soaking Prayer

Receive, Refresh, & Renew

Soaking prayer is positioning yourself before the Lord to experience His love for you and to give your love to Him. While it involves listening for the still small voice, it is more than that. It means allowing yourself enough time to be immersed in the tangible presence of God.

Soaking prayer gives you an opportunity to abide in Jesus, allowing His words and His Spirit to abide in you. It is totally different from all forms of prayer. It is unique like all forms of prayer.

Instead of asking God for our needs and desires on earth we are simply showing God how much we love Him and in these moments or hours we are just focusing on Jesus.

It is an act of faith by entering into the presence of God to experience, dwell on, let go and let God release His love into our entire being and strengthen or revolutionize our love for Him.

This time allows His love through The Holy Spirit to flood our lives for healing, inner peace, for true joy to rise up and so much more! It’s what most of us do in our quiet time with the Lord but instead we are meeting together corporately seeking Him together.

We meet in the church sanctuary.

We provide a safe and peaceful environment.

We play quite restful worship music.

We pray silently and bless what the Lord is doing.

Come rest and soak.

Come and go as you like.